The 10 best beginner house plants

Our best houseplants for beginners are perfect for anyone trying to develop a green thumb. Discover 10 indoor plant varieties that are easy to grow.
ZZ Plant | Prickle Plants

From Spider Plants to Peace Lilies, there are plenty of indoor plants that don't need much maintenance. At Prickle, we have collated a great range of easy going plants that anyone can grow - even if you've killed every other plant.

From low light lovers to drought tolerant succulents, these houseplants will become beginners best friends. There are even a few plants that we would consider to be unkillable!

In this guide, we'll help you find plants that can bring a jungle feeling without the commitment. You can also find some helpful tips on what each plants needs are, including watering, light conditions and environment. You can quickly find all of our beginner-friendly plants at Prickle in our Low Maintenance Collection.

What makes indoor plants good for beginners?

Many of the plants we grow indoors are what we call indestructible plants. Ignored for weeks, exposed to direct sunlight, and even flooded with too much water - the best indoor plants can survive it all.

The plants we recommend for beginners are typically those that can survive some damage. Of course, they still need a little TLC to flourish. So, to be a good indoor plant for beginners, it will need to be:

  • Happy in low light or indirect light,

  • Not too fussed if you skip watering for a day or two (or a month),

  • Isn't prone to pests or root rot,

  • Doesn't need to be misted every day.


Swiss Cheese | Prickle Plants


Low-maintenance Prickles!

Low-maintenance popular houseplants are ideal for beginners. In contrast, high maintenance growing plants may require regular misting, specific lighting and a delicate watering schedule. But you needn't worry about that with our hardy houseplants - the occasional watering when the soil is completely dry is enough.

At Prickle, we label all our beginner plants as low maintenance. We also have other collections for low light (ideal for offices and north facing rooms), pet-friendly, as well as plants perfect for specific rooms.

Plants like the Snake Plant and Swiss Cheese Plants on our list below are perfect for your living room, not all beginner plants have to look boring! If you want a set of three beginner-friendly plants, our Unkillable Bundle is worth considering.

Lil' Snake Plant | Prickle Plants

Our best houseplants for beginners

From the drought tolerant to the air purifying, here are ten of the best indoor plants for total beginners. You can't go wrong with these indoor plants, especially with Prickle on your side. Choose your favourite from the list below and and check out our plant guides to find everything a first time plant parent should know.

1. Snake Plant

You definitely don't need to be a plant expert to grow Sansevieria laurentii, aka the Snake Plant. With tall, spear-like leaves that are dark green in the centre with yellow edges, this plant will make a statement in any room.

But it's not just a looker. The Snake Plant is shade tolerant and loves dry conditions - water only when the soil dries completely. You don't need to worry about misting the plant either, think desert conditions and it will be happy. The Snake Plant can reach heights of over 1 metre, however don't worry about repotting as this succulent is a slow grower.

Snake Plant Lil' Prick

The baby version of one of our best houseplants for beginners! The Lil' Prick collection features popular plants, including the Snake Plant, in smaller sizes. Sansevieria green hahnii, a different variety of the larger plant, has curved dark green leaves and is delivered in a 6cm nursery pot.

Like our large Snake Plants, the Snake Plant Lil' Prick is native to a desert environment and enjoys low humidity and warm temperatures.

Lil' Snake Plant | Baby Plant | Prickle Plants

2. Cast Iron Plant

Aspidistra elatior, aptly named the Cast Iron Plant, is a cool looking plant that hates bright light. Keep this plant in the shadiest corner you can find, it thrives in low light. Give it a little misting with water every now and then to keep it happy. Like a cast iron pan, it's durable, reliable, and long-lasting - it's even pet-friendly.

The Cast Iron Plant has tall, dark green leaves ideal for a minimalist style. Watch out though, too much water and those stylish leaves will turn yellow. We recommend watering it once a month in winter, and once every few weeks in summer to keep it looking its best.

As one of the best houseplants for beginners, the Cast Iron Plant is super forgiving. It also eases you into plant maintenance, introducing you to misting (it likes the occasional dousing) and cleaning the leaves. You can wipe the leaves of the Cast Iron Plant down with a damp cloth until they're as glossy and smooth as a Jade Plant.

Cast Iron Plant | Prickle Plants

3. ZZ Plant

Zamioculcas zamiifolia, or the ZZ Plant as it is more commonly known, is the perfect partner for a low light living room. Despising bright light, overly moist soil, and humidity, this ZZ Plant is a bit of a vampire.

The ZZ Plant prefers shade, so forget about partial or indirect sunlight. Watering only when the soil is completely dry, this plant is unlikely to suffer from root rot or pests. With unique looking deep green leaves, the ZZ Plant is one of the best houseplants for beginners, just keep out of reach of pets.

When it comes time to repot, pick a fast draining soil to make sure it doesn't become water clogged. This plant loves being pot bound, so you don't need to repot it too often, ideally every few years.

ZZ Plant | Prickle Plants

4. Footstool Palm

Like a palm tree without the height, Livistona rotundifolia is a stylish plant better known as the Footstool Palm. With mid to light green foliage, this plant is best placed away from the direct afternoon sun, instead pop it in a mildly bright spot. Growing natively in South East Asia, it prefers a humid environment so get ready to mist it. Our tip for easy misting, pop your plant in the shower every few weeks and it will be happy.

Water regularly for the Footstool Palm to thrive. It's a slow grower, so you won't be needing to repot it anytime soon. If you notice the mature leaves fading at the tips, don't worry, this is totally normal and a sign of age!

Footstool Palm | Prickle Plants

5. Fishbone Cactus

If you want an easy-going plant but don't want something boring, Epiphyllum anguliger is calling your name. More commonly referred to as the Fishbone Cactus, this trailing succulent plant loves bright indirect light and the occasional misting. This is one of the best houseplants for beginners that want something easy to grow, but a little more showy than your standard Spider Plant.

With long, trailing foliage, this vinig plant is best placed on a shelf in indirect light. Native to Mexico, water only went eh soil is bone dry - if you keep the soil moist, it will not be happy. As a succulent, it stores water in it's leaves and can survive without being watered for a few weeks (or months). That being said, if the roots begin to show you can give the plant a little more humidity (misting) to help it sit happily.

Fishbone Cactus | Prickle Plants

6. Bolivian Forest Cactus

Lepismium bolivianum, another plant with trailing stems, is known as the Bolivian Forest Cactus or the Bolivianum Forest Cactus. It's a little more shade tolerant than the Fishbone Cactus but like most growing plants, it needs some indirect sunlight to really thrive. It is native to the desert and tropical regions of Bolivia, South America, so think desert conditions.

It's totally okay to forget to water this plant for a few days (or even weeks) as it despises moist soil and hydration. Hot and dry is the sweet spot, with bright filtered light to suit.

Along with the ZZ Plant, this Prickle is toxic to pets and babies. The long alien-like tendrils are slow growing and certainly intriguing, but keep them well out of reach on a high shelf.

Bolivian Forest Cactus | Prickle Plants

7. Swiss Cheese Plant

Many people think that you need to be an experienced plant parent to grow Monstera deliciosa, known affectionately as the Swiss Cheese Plant. But that couldn't be further from the truth. The Swiss Cheese Plant is a sun-loving climber that's ideal for beginners.

Grow indoors but not right by a window, so that it has access to bright light but not direct sun. Keep the well draining soil moderately moist, ideally every two weeks or when the top few inches become dry. Monstera is mad about humidity so don't hold back on misting.

If the ariel roots aren't your style, you can trim them back, it won't do any damage. As the Monstera plant grows, you can add bamboo canes or a moss pole to steady it. Many people don't realise that the Monstera is a climbing plant, and needs something steady to hold on to!

Swiss Cheese Plant Lil' Prick

At Prickle, we also have Monstera deliciosa available as a Lil' Prick! The Lil' Monstera is a baby plant that comes in a 6cm pot. Nurture this plant and you will see it grow slowly but steadily. Over the years, it could even reach heights of 3 metres. It's one of the best houseplants for beginners who want a reliable friend that will grow with them.

Lil Swiss Cheese Plant | Baby Plants | Prickle Plants

8. Areca Palm

Areca lutescens, the Areca Palm, is an elegant bushy palm that loves to soak up bright indirect light. This is a pet friendly variety, like the Spider Plant (see below) that enjoys moist soil and plenty of humidity.

Areca Palms grow natively in Madagascar and are sometimes referred to as the Butterfly Palm. Its leaves grows upright giving an elegant vibe to your home. Best suited to a bright hallway or livingroom, this statement palm tree may need to be moved about a little until it finds the perfect spot.

This is a slow growing plant that needs little maintenance, just make sure to water every few weeks for a happy palm. You don't need to prune or repot this plant anytime soon, its a slow grower but it can reach heights of over 10 metres!

Areca Palm | Prickle Plants

9. Yucca

Our penultimate beginner-friendly house plant is Yucca elephantipes, usually shortened to just the Yucca Plant or Spineless Yucca Plant. Unlike most plants which enjoy bright indirect light, the Yucca wants full-blown, in-your-face, direct light! Place this plant by a window so it can sunbathe happily all day long.

With a woody stem and starburst of green foliage, the Yucca Plant is as sturdy as it looks, ideal for beginners.

Enjoying direct sunlight and dry soil, it thrives in desert like conditions. But even if your home gets a little draughty, this plant won't mind - it sits pretty in temperatures as low as 7°C. With no pruning necessary and a slow growing speed, it's the low-maintenance plant your indoor jungle definitely needs.

Yucca | Prickle Plants

10. Curly Spider Plant

Trailing like the Devil's Ivy but with the charm and brightness of Lucky Bamboo, Chlorophytum bonnie is a wonderful plant friend to get acquainted with. The voluminous green striped foliage of the Curly Spider Plant needs little care to help it flourish.

Pop the Curly Spider Plant in a warm spot with bright indirect light, watering it consistently and giving the foliage a gentle misting every now and then (or whenever you remember). This curly spider variety is totally pet friendly and won't harm any animal or small human that decides to take a bite.

We love that this plant is fast growing too, so if you haven't had the patience to watch plants slowly grow in the past, you will love the satisfaction of seeing it flourish. It may even provide off-shoots that can be replanted to create new plants.

Curly Spider Plant | Prickle Plants

Understanding low maintenance plant requirements

You can find key information on the light, water, and humidity requirements at Prickle. To help you decipher what these terms mean, read this guide.

Low light vs bright indirect light

There are typically four terms that we use when we talk about light conditions:

  • Shade - a dark corner the furthest away from the window. The kind of corner that needs a desk lamp, at least.

  • Low light - the room gets some light, but no direct sunlight and tends to be quite dark overall (north facing rooms).

  • Bright indirect light - near a window, but not within the direct path of a sunbeam. Try to recreate a bright yet overcast day.

  • Direct sunlight - directly in a sunbeam, with the sun on the foliage of the plant creating a shadow.

Watering and misting

Watering is at the soil level - making the soil moist - while misting refers to spraying a fine mist into the air around the plant, or directly on the leaves.

When it comes to watering, you don't want your plant sitting in a puddle! Even if you see "consistent watering" on the plant label, you should simply make the soil damp and let any excess water drain away.

Over-watering or under-watering is one of the most common causes of plant death, so our beginner-friendly plants listed above are the most chilled about watering schedule and will survive going a few days or weeks without a drink. We always recommend to underwater your plants - don't worry they will tell you when they are thirsty. Overwatering is harder for a plant to recover from.

Typically, the foliage will let you know if there's something wrong. Yellow or brown at the base of the plant is a sign of waterlogging, so let the soil drain and cut back. Dry, crispy leaves is a clear sign of not enough water and humidity.

Footstool Palm | Prickle Plants

Soil types

Soil is not something that you need to worry about when you shop at Prickle. All our pricks are delivered in the soil type that they like best. The only exception is if your plant needs to be re-potted because it has outgrown its home.

Well-draining soil is usually the way to go. For desert cacti and succulents, a sand mixture might be best. You can learn more about soil on our blog at Prickle, or reach out to us for bespoke advice about your plants.

Repotting and propagation

When you've officially graduated from beginner plant parent to experienced jungle owner, you can explore repotting or propagating in more depth.

Repotting is essential when your plant is too big for its pot. If the roots show at the base of the plant pot, peeking through the holes, it's time for a new home.

Propagating refers to creating baby plants! There are various methods that you can use to grow new plants from your existing mother plant - learn more about this in our article A Guide to Propagating House Plants.

Spider Plant | Prickle Plants

Become plant parents with Prickle

From the Trailing Jade to Rubber Plant, we have a great range of easy-going plants at Prickle. Whether you're eager for a challenge or want to ease into the role of plant parent, we've got a prick that cannot wait to meet you - and all the tips and tricks you need to help them flourish.

Follow us on social media @prickplantsuk for some great inspiration that will help you bring your home to life with house plants. We are always eager to chat plants with you too - reach out via to get the conversation started and receive advice on any prickle you may have gotten yourself into.

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