Begonia Plant Care Guide

Find out all you need to know on Begonia Plant care in this handy guide from Prickle.
Begonia Plant Care Guide

Begonias are lovely plants, aren't they? Beautiful green foliage, full of interesting patterns. Pretty little delicate flowers that add pops of colour. They add so much to any houseplant display, and also work wonderfully on their own. There are also so many different varieties, like Rex begonias, Cane begonias, Tuberous begonias, Fibrous rooted begonias, Rhizomatous begonias, Angel Wing begonias and Wax begonias, - you get the idea, there are loads of them. You can find the perfect ones for your home.

Two of our favourites are the Polka Dot Begonia, with its stunningly unique leaves adorned with large polka dots, and the Lil' Snail Begonia, a pretty little houseplant with twisted leaves and spiral patterns. If you want your indoor plants to look a bit special, these are two great options for you.

In this blog we want to help you get the most out of your begonias. We are going to show you exactly how to care for begonias indoors, focusing on all the key elements of Begonia Plant care. Read on for all you need to know about keeping these plants living their best life!

Are Begonia Plants easy to care for?

As a general rule, yes, Begonia Plants are very easy to care for. They have built up a reputation for being quite straightforward plants to look after indoors or outside, and being capable of adapting to different conditions. As there are so many different varieties, the level of care that they require can differ slightly, but as a general rule, it is easy to care for Begonias in the garden and indoors.

While you can get hardy begonias, that survive outside over the Winter, we are going to be mainly looking at the kind that are best suited as houseplants in this blog - the kind that we sell on our site. They all require the same kind of care, so by reading this you'll know exactly how to look after Begonias in your home.

What are Begonia Plants?

Begonias are fascinating plants. There are over 2,000 different species of Begonias, and different ones hail from different parts of the world. Tuberous begonias are grown naturally in the tropical regions of South America, Begonia rex plants can be found in India, while other varieties are native to Central America, and others in Asia and Africa. Whatever the variety, they tend to favour subtropical or tropical conditions, with moist soil and plenty of humidity.

The plants that we will be mainly looking at today, foliage begonias, are grown as house plants and are usually tender perennials. Other types are more suited to pot and hanging basket displays. This is all part of the joy of growing begonias - there is so much versatility. You can find the perfect option no matter where you want to plant Begonias.

How to care for Begonia Plants

As we mentioned above, indoor Begonia care is pretty straightforward, but there are a few things you need to know to help your Begonias really thrive in your home. We'll run through all of the main points in detail now, before providing you with a quick-fire guide at the bottom for your convenience.

Let's start with watering. Even moisture is the goal here - a nice consistent level throughout the soil. While they do need watering quite often, it's actually more of a problem to over water. They don't like sitting in waterlogged soil, as this can cause root rot.

The best thing to do is to get your hands dirty! Or, a finger at least - prod one into the soil and feel what it's like. If it is completely dry, you'll need to give it a quick drink. If it is wet, it's best to leave it to completely dry out before you water it. Always water at the base of the plant, to avoid the leaves getting a fungal disease.

Now, how much light do Begoniaceae require? As low-growing plants, Begonias, in their native habitat, usually have to make do with partial shade, with the sun peaking through the leaves of the taller trees. Bright, indirect light is ideal - too much direct light and those wonderful colours on the leaves could become dull, which would be a shame.

If you really want to help your indoor Begonias, our top tip is to give them a little spray with a water mist from time to time. This helps to recreate that tropical atmosphere that they thrive in, and will bring out the beautiful colours of the foliage.

Now, as promised, here is our quick-fire guide to Begonia Plant care:

  • Origins: All over the place! South America, Central America, Asia, Africa

  • How much light: Plenty of bright, indirect light. They can cope with some shade, but try to avoid leaving them in too much direct sunshine.

  • Water requirements: When the top soil is completely dry. As a guide, a couple of times a week during the growing season - ensure the soil is fully dry before you water.

  • Humidity requirements: A regular spray of water mist will help your plants look their incredible best.

  • Soil requirements: Peat free multi purpose compost. You can add a slow release fertiliser pellet during the Summer, but don't feed after September.

  • Temperature requirements: Around 15 - 25°C, minimum around 12°C. Standard room temperature should be fine.

  • Pruning requirements: Not much pruning is required. Mature plants may need a little prune to help them keep their shape as they get older.

  • Pests: They may attract mealybugs and spider mites. If you see any, wipe them off with a damp cloth.

Propagating Begoniaceae

It's really easy to propagate Begonia Plants from stem cuttings. All you need to do is take a cutting, a few inches long, that has a few leaves on it. Remove the lower ones, and place the cutting in water, so that the nodes are submerged. Place it somewhere so that it gets plenty of indirect light, and refresh the water regularly. Within two to three weeks, you should see roots develop, and when they get a few inches long, you can remove it from the water and plant in some potting soil. Your new plant will grow from there!

Use Prickle to help you create your ideal indoor garden

Now you know how to look after begonias, what's next? Have a look around our site and see what inspires you - you can create your dream houseplant setup with our help. We have a huge range of indoor plants for you to look over - you can even search by room, so you can find the perfect bathroom, bedroom, living room or hallway plants. Fit your entire house with plenty of plants to help purify the air and lift your spirits!

And if you need any additional help, reach out to our team of experts. You can get them on social media (@prickplantsuk) or email (, and they will answer all of your houseplant queries. They can't wait to hear from you!

Care GuideHouse plant
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