Jade Plant Care

Find out more on Jade Plant care in this handy guide from Prickle.
Jade Plant Care

Jade Plants are great additions to any indoor plant display. In many ways they are a classic houseplant - a beautiful succulent with gorgeous glossy leaves and thick stems that become woody with age, adding to their appeal. The tree-like structure brings a really wholesome feel to it, while the fleshy leaves have a touch of the exotic.

It's not just an aesthetic appeal that the Jade Plant will bring to the table though - they will also help to purify the air that you breathe in your home, which will help reduce stress and improve your productivity. It's also thought that the Jade Plant can bring you prosperity and good fortune! (Or maybe that's just down to the increased productivity...).

If you look after a Jade Plant, they can last you around 70 years - so in terms of value for money, they are one of the best indoor plants around. We want to help you in that regard, so have dedicated this blog to Jade Plant care - read this and you will have everything you need to keep your Jade Plant thriving for years to come!

Are Jade Plants easy to care for?

It's always nice when there is a simple answer to a question - yes, Jade Plant care is very straightforward, for a number of reasons. As succulents, they are able to store water in their leaves, meaning they can cope with some neglect on that front. So once you have found the right kind of spot for it in your home, all you need to do is water it every now and then, and it will be absolutely fine.

For this reason, they make wonderful gifts for people. It's something a bit unusual and unique, but that won't require lots of maintenance, so you're not burdening them with more responsibility. As they are linked closely to good fortune, they are also often given as a marriage or housewarming gift.

What are Jade Plants?

The Jade Plant (crassula ovata to give its botanical name) are native to southern Africa, specifically the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, where there are dense groups of bushes. You'll find the Jade Plant amongst other succulents like aloe and euphorbia. These are generally very dry, sandy areas, which tells you a lot about their water requirements!

They are known by a few different names, mainly linked to wealth or prosperity. Some people call them Silver Dollar Plants, Lucky Plants, the Money Plant or Friendship Plant. That last one is because they have been used as a gift for so long, so they have become symbolic of friendship.

How to care for a Jade Plant

While Jade Money Plant care is pretty straightforward, there are a few things you need to know to set you off on the right path - we're going to cover everything now, before detailing all of the key points on one, simple-to-read chart.

Let's start with watering, one of the simplest aspects of crassula ovata care. How much water a Jade Plant needs will depend on the time of year. They are usually dormant in the Winter, so require less water than in the growing season, which is in the Spring and Summer. Water sparingly when the weather gets cooler, and when it's warmer, always check to see if the soil is dry before you give it any water.

Overwatering is a huge problem for all succulents - they cannot process lots of water, so you end up with root rot, which could result in blisters forming on the leaves. If in doubt, leave it a few more days before testing the soil.

When growing a Jade Plant, light is a very important factor. Being from a dry, sunny part of southern Africa, they are used to a lot of light, however, too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to shrivel up slightly. On the other hand, too little light and they will have leggy growth, and lose that full, bushy look.

The best place to grow your Jade Plant let the plant sit is a bright, sunny spot, ideally near a south facing window - somewhere warm and dry. This way it should get enough light, while still protected from direct sunlight.

As slow growers, you will only need to think about repotting your Jade Plant every few years, and this is best done during the growing season.

  • Origins: Southern Africa

  • How much light: Plenty of bright, indirect light is the best way to go.

  • Jade Plant Watering requirements: Water sparingly and only when the soil has completely dried out.

  • Humidity requirements: Dry is the way to go here, no need for any water mist.

  • Soil requirements: Well draining soil is best - the looser the better to let the water drain through effectively.

  • Temperature requirements: They can cope with quite low temperature (as low as 10°C), but 15°C to 23°C is ideal

  • Pruning requirements: Cut the stems back at the start of the growing season (Spring), to help the roots grow.

  • Pests: Look out for mealybugs. They can pierce the plant tissue and cause great harm to your plant - wipe the leaves with some alcohol, or an insecticide that has fatty acids or plant oils in it (use a damp cloth or cotton bud) to fend them off.

How to propagate Crassula ovata

Just like Jade Plant care, it's pretty easy to propagate a Jade Plant from stem or leaf cuttings. Using some sharp scissors, cut off a section of a stem that includes at least two nodes and a few leaves. Pluck the leaves at the bottom, and dip the cut end into some rooting powder, just to give yourself the best chance of success. Leave it somewhere warm and dry so that the end can harden over, and then pop it in some water until you can see it form roots, which should happen in a few weeks. Then you can put it in a pot with some Multi-purpose compost and perlite mixed together.

You can do the same with leaf cuttings, but the resulting plant will be a bit smaller.

Use Prickle to complete you indoor plant setup

Now that you know all about growing Jade Plants, it's time to think big! These beautiful little succulents can help form part of a much bigger houseplant display, that leaves your home feeling calm and homely with a touch of the exotic. Have a look through our selection, and check out our pots as well so you can get that perfect look. We also have a range of patio plants that can liven up your garden!

If you have any questions about any of our plants, then please don't hesitate to get in touch. Our team of experts would love to help you out - you can get them on social media (@prickplantsuk) or via email (contact@prickleplants.co.uk). If you need any advice - they'll be able to help you!

Care GuideHouse plant
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