A guide to repotting a houseplant

Repotting a houseplant is easy peasy. Read our simple guide from Prickle Plants and have a happy plant in no time!
Prickle Plants Repotting a houseplant guide

Like us, plants are prickly but precious. Don’t be mistaken in thinking potting plants is as simple as moving a plant from one pot to another. Here’s our guide on how to prevent you from getting into a prickle, follow these 5 steps and you'll become an expert in repotting a houseplant.

The Right Tools for the Job

Before you begin, you should ensure you have the right tools for the job. To rehome your prick, you will need the following, all of which can be found in our shop :

  • Nursery pots around 3-5cm larger with holes in the bottom for drainage
  • Peat-free soil compost
  • Water
  • Fertiliser or plant feed
  • Eggshells
  • Trowel
  • Paint Brush
  • Scissors or secateurs, depending on the size of your plant

Step One - Pick the Perfect House Plant Pot

Most plant parents rehome their plant when it has become too large for its pot, but you can repot whenever you like – this encourages them to survive and thrive. The pot should at least have double the growing room to maximise growth and minimise the need to repot sooner. Prune it right and it will grow perfectly.

Step Two - Expose Your Roots

Carefully lift your plant out of its existing pot and give it a gentle shake to remove any loose debris. After a quick shake, remove the remaining soil from the roots using a paint brush and expose the bare roots underneath. A common mistake is to spray the roots to remove the soil. Be careful! This works on some house plants but others have roots that are very sensitive to water, and you could end up killing your plant. As a good rule of thumb, wait until you’ve finished repotting and then water your plant.

Step Three - Untangle and Remove Dead Roots

Once you have exposed your roots, you should be able to see which ones are healthy and which have seen better days. If you can’t tell, play it safe and leave for next time. Dead roots should be carefully snipped using scissors or secateurs. Some large indoor plants may also have tangled roots so be sure to untangle them and give them space to re-establish themselves.

Step Four - Prepare Your Pot

Put your plant to one side while you prepare the pot. Place eggshells at the bottom of your pot and apply a layer of compost. The eggshells work wonders as a natural fertiliser that also biodegrades, helping your plants establish themselves in their new home. For best results use our peat-free soil  – unlike normal compost it helps your plants get comfy quicker due to its higher hydration levels.

Step Five - Give Your Plant a Drink

If you cheaped out and used ordinary compost, you’ll need to give your plant a generous drink – make sure the soil is damp to touch (but not waterlogged). If you picked our peat-free soil option, your plant will only need a light watering at this point.

Helpful Tips

Voila – your plant transplant operation was a success, and your plant should be settling in its new home. Here are a couple of additional Prickle tips to help you further.

  • Try to repot your plants in spring or summer, to ensure the best results and a happy indoor plant.
  • Cacti and succulents are extremely water sensitive and can die if overwatered.
  • Indoor trees can be extremely difficult to lift and move and repotting might take extra effort to make sure it is freestanding and upright. Get some help.
  • Don’t be tempted to put a shade loving plant in direct sunlight after repotting. Simply place your bestie back where it was before the repotting procedure.
  • Add in fertiliser or plant food to the mix for an extra initial growth spurt.
  • If your plant is falling like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, carefully unpack and repack your pot until you get an Instagram-worthy result.

Prickle About with Us!

We hope you have enjoyed our Prickle guide to repotting your house plant. Follow us on our social media channels @prickleplantsuk for daily Prickle goodies.

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